The Miracle of Frequency Language

Frequency language or light language as it is commonly referred to today, is so much more than the visual senses can perceive. Within this unusual display of written symbols, hand movements, and unfamiliar sounds lives a form of communication that can only be truly experienced through intuition.
It bypasses old programs of thought and personal stories, working at the DNA and cellular level to realign the energy fields to a more natural state of wellness and harmony. This magical form of expression tunes into quantum or fifth-dimensional frequency fields that are void of negativity or any low vibrational emotion.
Our body understands that health and wellness is a natural state of being. It knows that when we tune into the frequency of a healthy thought, it will benefit from the vibration just as much as it would from a healthy piece of food. Everything that surrounds us is made up of vibration, and it is only now that humanity is waking up to perceive the power in the choices we make about who and what we surround ourselves with.
Each word you speak is filled with old meanings, that may or may not serve your best interests. As we move into a higher state of consciousness as a collective, we become more selective about what we read and listen to, being more easily able to discern what leaves us feeling good or ultimately sets us off balance. These might sound like simple things but they create a huge impact on our happiness and health.
When I first began speaking and writing using light language, I realised instantly the benefits it had on a world that had been overexposed to multitudes of information. Many people ask me to translate the light language but in truth, there are no words in English or any other language to explain the abundance of information that flows through each hand movement, drawing or sound. Because those who speak it are carrying different codes, and bringing it through with specific intentions, it is natural that it will sound different, although similarities are running through them.
Today’s light code is to help you to listen to the frequency of your thoughts, and to gain a better understanding of what vibrational nutrition you are offering your body, in all aspects of your life.
If you take time each day to tune into your thoughts and feel how each one resonates in your body when you them, you will start to get a sense of the prominent frequency you are silently generating through your whole being each and every day.
Sit with the code for a few minutes, letting it flow into your third eye. This will help to quickly dissolve those outdated programs of thought by bringing them into your conscious mind, allowing you to examine what is no longer relevant to who you are becoming.
Love Claie