The Intuitive Signals you Might be Missing
Updated: Aug 9, 2024

Are you one of those people who can smell a rat before you see it? Strange question but I promise there is very important reasoning behind why I’m asking, read on!
Your senses are also very closely linked to your intuition; usually, one or two are stronger than the others. I am very auditory, so I hear on a heightened level and feel disturbances in my ears when something I know is out of balance within me or in my environment.
How we translate information using our senses is highly important and often undervalued, and misunderstood. Most of us have been taught that what we see is truth and therefore we should believe it, and even though we have all learnt through personal experience the flaws in that belief, most of us don’t challenge it intuitively.
So why don’t we challenge the belief?
The answer is SIMPLE
We don’t TRUST our intuition.
When we find a physical block in one of these sensing body parts, it is a clear indication that the program and belief you have in relation to something you are currently experiencing is faulty and needs to be examined.
The reason it shows up in the area of your body it does, which is usually your ears, eyes, nose, mouth, or skin, is indicative of the intuitive sense which is the most dominant for you. It’s like your body is trying to warn you by giving you signs in the places it knows it has the best chance of getting the message through to you.
But what do you do? Is your first response to look for something outside of yourself to fix it, like a cream, a person, a herb, a medicine, or do you sit with it and reflect on what it is trying to tell you?
This Light Language is for those of you who have issues within the nasal region, including sinuses, and breathing problems.
Be sure to check the whole Sensing Codes collection on my website, where you’ll find Light Languages for all the senses and share this with anyone who might need a little bit extra light to find their personal road map.
Much Love to you All
Claie xo

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