True Love Lives Within the Frequency of Self Worth
Updated: Jun 13, 2023
Self-worth is a vibration that we store within ourselves and continuously offer with every energetic transaction we make.
The thing about emotions is, you can’t trick the energy relating to them. If you truly believe you are valuable, the frequency that vibrates from each and every thought you have about yourself will be on the higher end of the scale. On the contrary, when you doubt your worth, the frequency you omit is low.
Your job in this lifetime, is to raise your frequency, and you do this by raising the conscious thoughts you think and believe about yourself!
Nobody can keep filling your bucket with worth. It’s like growing a garden for someone else but never getting to smell the flowers, eat the fruits, or sit under the tree.
This little light language is from the Akashic Records and is to remember your true worth is not a competition and does not have a number value next to it. This is to help you to tap back into the incredible soul you are beyond this human experience.
Much Love
Claie xo
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